What You Can Do
Welcome to Global Alert. It's often hard to know where plastic pollution comes from, or how much is flowing down a waterway, or stranded on a riverbank or coastline. But by using Global Alert, you can play a pivotal role to help communities identify where they need to take action to prevent plastic from polluting our waters.
The Global Alert Map displays Trash Hotspots in waterways and along the coasts which you or others have reported. Take a look around your environment, find places you know and care about, and if you have seen any Trash Sites, please do the following:

Take a photograph and note any large volumes of floating, submerged or waterside trash (not just single pieces).

Upload the photos and GPS location to Global Alert Trash Map and share with friends.

Your datapoints and information can help stakeholders in that watershed or coastline to make decisions about cleanups or ongoing management to prevent the flow of plastic pollution.